Kod | US-OMU-S1-W6-HMW |
Jednostka organizacyjna | Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach |
Forma studiów | Stacjonarne |
Poziom kształcenia | Pierwszego stopnia |
Języki wykładowe | angielski |
Limit miejsc | 10 |
Czas trwania | zajęcia rozpoczną się w semestrze zimowym, od października 2024, 30 godzin, odbywać się będą w poniedziałki pomiędzy 15:30, a 17:00 |
Zadaj pytanie |
- Tura 1 (09.09.2024 12:00 – 22.09.2024 23:59)
General data |
syllabus |
group instructor |
dr Iwona Pomianowska |
ECTS credit allocation |
3 ECTS |
Type of class |
Seminar, 30 hours |
0211 Audio-visual techniques and media production |
Course mode |
online |
Language |
English |
Course description
Heuristics are simplified methods of reasoning necessary for functioning in situations of information load, which can sometimes lead to cognitive errors. The main aim of the module is to identify fundamental cognitive shortcuts, which are tools for maximizing the optimization of cognitive processes that occur both in the creative process and in the reception and interpretation of creative material.
Acquiring the skills to recognize and predict these cognitive processes, which are mostly used unconsciously, helps in strategic media design to anticipate the behavior and decision-making processes of media recipients (e.g., film, television viewers, or game participants, particularly computer games).
Students will become familiar with availability heuristics, anchoring-adjustment, and representativeness. Basic cognitive errors, as well as external and internal attributions, will be discussed and illustrated. The content of the module should increase the student's awareness - as a potential creator or designer - regarding the responsibility for engaging the audience in effective information seeking, decision-making processes, reasoning, and methods of creative problem solving.
Key words:
- Heuristics,
- Cognitive Errors,
- Media Design,
- Decision-Making,
- Creative Process.
- Problem Solving, Reasoning, Adaptation, Decision Making, Engagement in the Creative Process and its Reception.
List of topics
- Availability Heuristics,
- Anchoring-Adjustment Heuristics,
- Representativeness Heuristics,
- Cognitive Errors,
- External and Internal Attributions.